Friday, September 19, 2014

First example in Android using L Preview API

Before start to create an example check this this post to create emulator using L Preview OS.

Step 1
Create new project and set the API level as show in below image

When you selecting L Preview API level for minimum required SDK same level will be set in Target SDK.

Looking for L Preview API for Compile with don't worry just select API 20 right now, we'll change it later on once Project is created.

Now just finish the rest of the thing with your requirement and finish wizard to start the project.

First we need to change the compile version as we use version kitkat 20 wear API level for this project instead of this need to apply L Preview. Right click on project and go the Android tab and select the L Preview level API and apply it.

Next thing need to apply Material Theme for your App, see below image as I removed other values folder from my project just keep the default values folder, open the style.xml file and remove current code and  write the new code as below


  <!-- inherit from the material theme -->
  <style name="AppTheme" parent="android:Theme.Material">
      <!-- Customize your theme here -->

This will be use the new theme for your Application.

Now change the code in your layout as for me I have created activity_main.xml in my project write the below new code.

        android:textColor="#000000" />

The new translationZ property lets you create animations that reflect temporary changes in the elevation of a view. For example, this is useful to respond to touch gestures.

Start your emulator and run this project. This project only run under L Preview  OS.

Create Emulator using L Preview version in Android

You need to first download the latest API 20 level for this. Open your SDK Manager and download the SDK Platform API and any one system image file for your emulator as I below I have done check below image.

After download done open Android Virtual Device Manager

Look for Google Nexus 5 device definition in Device Definition Tab select it and click on create AVD button.

Now set this configuration for your Nexus 5 emulator as show in below image you can set whatever you want but few thing need required that is sdk must be L Preview level, check mark the option Use Host GPU, rest thing you can set as per your requirement.

Now click on OK it'll create new AVD for you then click on newly created AVD and start it. It'll take few minutes to create emulator as it's first time so it'll taking more time for start up. As its need to create skin and install the L Preview OS in this with its all pre-built App and service.

If you not check mark the Use Host GPU option it'll not able to create emulator as its need more process. Using this option this will use your system CPU in virtual device to create and start up.

Hope you successfully start up the Emulator with L Preview OS, if you have any query or doubt you can ask me.

My next post is create First example in L Preview

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

WhatsApp Messenger

New features available in Version 2.11.378

- More option provided in User chat conversation screen as below:
  • View Contact
             By tapping on person name on top heading view profile screen will be open but this option also provided in Option menu and open user's profile.
  • Call
            Now from the option menu you can directly call that person without going to user's profile or in Contact screen. With the warning message you can call that person just press the Call button.
  • Search
            Too much messages and hard to get that message, now you can search that message(s) too just select this option and it'll be high lighted that messages with yellow color which message contains search text.

- Profile option provided when you visiting any user's profile as below:
  • View in address book
            You can directly open current user's contact profile (If available in your contact) and view the more info from that profile too.
  • Pay for <Person Name>
            Now you can pay for your friend, beloved or anyone for extending WhatsApp App.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Store listing for Application in Android

Store listing is section of publishing your Android APK. If this section is not complete then you are not able to publish your APK. You can upload your APK on APK section but this not only things you need to provide details about this App so this section is for your Application details. Check the left section listing APK, Store listing, Pricing and Distribution etc. this are must green then only you are able to publish you App on Google Play Store.

How to know that store listing section is complete or not or something is missing to provide.

Left side option are indicating that which section are Green marked or not, if they are Green then you are ready to publish. Right side you see the Draft button that will be display as Ready to Publish button once all the requirement details you submit it and save it. If Draft button is still as it is then Why I not publish my App when you click on Draft button and click on that it'll list out the pending thing that you need to submit.

Here is the screen for Store listing screen shot I have provided for you.

Once you filled and provided all the requirement details then click on Save and if its all accepted then Draft button will change to Ready to Publish and you're able to publish you App now.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Create FirstExample applicaiton in Android

Create Android Application in Eclipse

Step 1: Select Android Project from the File->New option menu. If you not found then select option Project or Other. Now select Android->Android Application Project.

Step 2:  This is the first step of wizard, set the Project name whatever you like I set as FirstExam in the Application, same for Project name. Application name which is showing on the device and Project name is for Eclipse and try to avoid space an other thing in this.

Next set the package name for your Application com.example.firstexam this must be unique because Android OS managing all the Apps by package name.

Next select minimum version level of the App to support level.

Next select the target version level of the App.

Next select the compile version, here always select latest version to getting all the Android latest features and classes into your App. Also you will getting two different API for same level Android and Google API if you are going to use any Google API then only select Google API other just select Android.

Next thing if you required different theme want to apply then select it.

Now press next for the next step

Step 3: Here you can set the project location and project's other feature setting like create icon, activity etc. Just check the box whatever you want to create with project.

Note: If you want to create your project as library project then only checked the option library otherwise keep unchecked this option.

1. Create custom launcher icon
     In this you can create custom icon for your application by using existing image, clip art or Text with icon resize option and color modification as background and foreground

2. Create activity
     This will be as optional if you want create an single activity with project creation time then keep as it is, if you won't then unchecked. After creating custom icon this option also provided if you want to create activity

3. Mark this project as a library
    If you want to create library then check this option it will create jar file for you and you can integrate this project with other project and use this library in one or more project.
Note:  This will not be an executable project when you build.

4. Set the project location as default it will be the current workspace path would be set as project location you can check this option and change the location of your application.

Step 4: In this step if you check 1st option then only this will be the next screen otherwise it be skipped, you can navigate back and next any time.

Step 5: In next step provide feature to create activity with different pre-built and pre-coded activity by Android just select which type of activity you required and press next with checked create activity option. If you want create any activity then just unchecked the create activity option and click to finish.

Step 6: With the previous go with the create activity then only this will be available to set the name of your activity and layout file.

Now press finish as this is the last step or wizard. And after finish your application is ready to run in any of your supportive emulator or device with Hello World saying

After finish it will create project with single activity and its layout with Hello World message for you.

Now right click on the project select Run-> Android Application. This will run your application in your selected device.

You can do many thing while creating project time. Just explore more option with different way and you will be know more about this to create fast application with different stuff provided by Android.

Happy to help you.